Project: TeachWhat!

TeachWhat! is a desktop address book application used for private tutors in managing their class. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX.

It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Code contributed

Click here to see the code contributions I have made.

Features and enhancments implemented

Assign/Unassign command

  • Assign command pull request #74
  • Unassign command pull request #135
  • What the commands do:
    • Assigns/Unassigns a Student from a Lesson.
    • Allows users to see a list of enrolledStudents in the details of a lesson
    • Allows users to see a list of enrolledLessons in the details of a student

Implement RecurringLesson model(Pull request #82)

  • What it does:
    • Extended from the Lesson model, RecurringLesson models lessons that happen weekly, and therefore behaves differently when the date of the lesson has to be retrieved.
  • Justification:
    • As the date of a recurring lesson is not fixed, as it has to be updated to the date of the lesson in the current week. Therefore, RecurringLesson overrides the lesson#getDateTimeSlot() and lesson#isConflictingWithLesson() to ensure that the correct date is retrieved and the correct date is used when compared with another Lesson.

Implement editlesson command (Pull request #151)

  • What it does:
    • Allows users to edit details of lessons.

Implement Student and Lesson tab (Pull request #68)

  • What it does:
    • splits the list of students and lessons into their respective tabs
  • Justification:
    • AB3 only had one panel where users could view a single list of contacts. Since tutors will need to track both their lessons and students, we had to add another panel for them to view their lessons. As opposed to having two panels for students and lessons, our team decided the GUI would look much better by splitting the two lists into tabs.

Implement liststudents and listlessons command (Pull request #68)

  • What it does:
    • Displays the list of students/lessons.
  • This feature was implemented together with the tabs. The command displays the list of students/lessons by toggling to the respective tab, after refreshing to internal list of lessons/students.

Contributions to the UG

  1. Drafted out the initial version of the user guide (Pull request #43)
  2. Updated the user guide to be consistent with features upon every milestone completion
    • Pull request #83 for milestone v1.2
    • Pull request #155 for milestone v1.3

Contributions to the DG

  1. Added implementation details of the assign command
    • Included object diagrams to depict the state of the relevant classes at different points of the command execution.
    • Used sequence diagram to show the interaction between entities of the program.
  2. Added the details of the Storage component
  3. Added manual testing instructions for Assign and Unassign command.

Contributions to team-based tasks

  1. Add issues to milestones

Review/mentoring contributions

  1. Suggested improvements in PR review #57
  2. Reviewed and merged 42 pull requests